Thanks Apple. For making a sucky device called the iPad. Before the iPad keynote, I was somewhat excited and threatened at the same time, that the iPad would become a great device — A tablet-based Mac OS X. A device that would've made my Dell Mini 9 hackintosh obsolete, relegating it to toddler toy duties for my daughters. Not the case as it turned out, my Dell mini just got more valuable.
I took my mini9 to work because during my lunch break, I needed to do my taxes, update my iWeb page and update this blog =). I accomplished all of the above, as well as spend the rest of my break catching up with family guy on hulu. Perhaps the iPad would've been capable of updating this blog, as my iPhone is capable of doing it, albeit slow and imperfect but, nonetheless capable.
Look Steve! Flash on a small mac!
I really wanted to like the iPad. Who knows? maybe it'll grow on me... but not for $900 for hardware similar to what I have in my hackintosh, valued at $500 (1.6ghz, 2gb, 64gb runcore ssd, 32gb SD card slot, and 3 USB ports to boot). I may lack a touch screen, but I have a real Mac OS that lets me multitask, run just about any productive app as well as Flash content! That's right, greedy Apples worst nightmare is Flash. What would be the point of paying a dollar per episode when you can watch them on Hulu for free?
You see, I can forgive the iPad for not being able to multitask if it allowed Flash on the device. Since it doesn't and likely never will, I'm going to keep lugging my little Dell Mini 9 around... oh yeah I can also run World of Warcraft on this sucker.
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